Medical Weight loss

At Wishing Wellness we have practical advise and solutions to promote healthy weight loss and sustaining weight loss.

Fitness woman measuring her waist, weight loss

Women have you been experiencing

Losing weight through starvation and extreme exercise is unhealth and leads to long term difficulty with sustaining weight loss. At Wishing Wellness Medical Spa we have practical advise and solutions to help you be successful.

At Wishing wellness we design a program that includes a number of options to fit your weight loss goals. Each person is unique and has different requirements to meet their goals. The same plan will not work with everyone. With personalized plan and support throughout the processes we believe we can mak a significant difference in your weight loss journey.

Weight loss or healthy lifestyle accessories on blue background

Programs: Ozempic

The Ozempic weight loss program is easy to fit into your busy schedule. This program should be used with a reduced calorie diet and increase physical activity. This program is easy to maintain with once weekly self-injection.

Dosage: 0.25mg weekly and titrated every 4 weeks to the max dose of 2.4mg weekly as tolerated.
Weeks 1-4: 0.25 mg
Weeks 5-8: 0.5 mg
Weeks 9-12: 1 mg
Week 13-16: 1.7 mg
Week 17 and onward: 2.4 mg (maintenance

Program: Phentermine

Ideal patient: The patient who eats excessively and needs appetite curbing
Phentermine can be combined to your unique needs with Topiramate or Bupropion.

Ideal patient for combination: Weight loss patient who lacks energy/motivation; depressed weight loss patient; weight loss patient who complains of cravings (patients who crave specific foods) or binge-eating.

Program: Glycyrrhetinic Acid & Aminophylline Transdermal

Ideal patient: Weight loss patient who has excessive central adiposity; great for patients who have high triglycerides and/or the metabolic/insulin resistant patient.

**How to implement**: 0.5ml to 1ml applied topically to the abdomen once per day; have them lightly rub it all over their abdomen in an equally distributed fashion

Program: 7-Keto-DHEA

Ideal patient: HRT/TRT patient who is also following a weight loss program. DHEA has been shown to help in anti-aging therapy, weight loss and improve physical performance.

When to use: If the patient has clinically low DHEA-S levels; typically employed if their DHEA-S is in the bottom 1/3 of the reference ranges

Program: Acarbose

Ideal patient: Patients who are self-proclaimed “carb lovers;” weight loss patients who have insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome

When to use: Great first-line drug; can be employed at any time in a weight loss program

Peptide Program: Nitro Amino Blend:z

(L- Arginine/L-Citrullnie/ L-Carnitine/ L- Ornithine ) excellent for those looking to build muscle and lose weight. This is an injection.

  • L- Ornithine: Plays a role in cell growth thus improving athletic performance by reducing elevated levels of ammonia. L- Arginine is an amino acid that can be found naturally in food like fish and meat. Arginine essential to help build and repair cells for growth, repair damage tissues. L- Carnitine: Plays a critical role in energy production. It transports fatty acid to produce energy. In doing that helps to decrease the amount of fat that your body stores. L-Citrulline produces several important effects in the body. One major way it works is by increasing vasodilation

Program: HCG Medical Weight loss

This program uses HCG such as:

Sermorelin: is a Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Analog that stimulates the production of HGH. It is taken nightly and improves sleep quality. In addition, it aids in fat loss, improves muscle composition and anecdotally improves mood and well-being. This can come in capsule or injection

Ipamorelin: is a Ghrelin agonist and stimulates the production of HGH in a steadier slow release that mimics the natural release during sleep. It aids in fat loss, increasing muscle mass, improving sleep and improving the immune system. It can be taken more long term as an age management supplement in older patients if desired. This can come in capsule or injection

Program: BioBoost consists with B12, B6, MIC

Ideal patient: Patient that are already in a work out routines looking for natural options to complete liver cleanse and help build muscle.

BioBoost consists of B12 ,MIC (methionine, Inositol, Choline),L Arginine, Carnitine –

The primary compounds in the formula–methionine, inositol, choline–work to metabolize fat cells and assist in the elimination of stored fat deposits in the body. Methionine is an essential amino acid, inositol is involved in proper cell formation, and choline is a water-soluble nutrient that supports proper liver function.

Vitamin B-12 and B-6 helps maintain good health and has been shown to be beneficial in helping to reduce stress and fatigue, improve memory and cardiovascular health, and maintain a good body weight. It can also assist the body in converting proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy and is necessary for healthy skin and eyes.

L- Arginine is an amino acid that can be found naturally in food like fish and meat. Arginine essential to help build and repair cells for growth, repair damage tissues.

L- Carnitine: Plays a critical role in energy production. It transports fatty acid to produce energy. In doing that helps to decrease the amount of fat that your body stores.

When to use: Great first-line drug; can be employed at any time in a weight loss program


We work hard to keep cost down that is why we charge for medications individuals to meet your budget.
Weight loss program initial evaluation of $100 includes complete provider consultation with history and physical. In addition, we will go through each lab one by one with you so you understand where you stand with your health. This visit is more than just a weight loss consultation, it includes recommended work out regiments, vitamin and supplement counseling. As well as additional services such as growth hormone optimization, hormone therapy, and peptide therapy. We will review recommended work out regiments. We will than have 30 day follow up that is $50 during this appointment we will discuss your progress and adjusts out treatment plan to meet your goals.

Client Question

Your body is always working to get to a place of “wellness” . When wellness is interrupted, weight loss is put on the back burner until these underlying issues are resolved. We must find the root cause of any underlying issues before being successfully able to lose weight. Not only the food you put in your body, but other factors including your environment, level of stress, and your mental wellbeing ALL play a role in disrupting and preventing you from losing weight.

There is so much misinformation out there and nutrition science is ever changing. We utilize science backed and up to date options available to you. Diets and meal plans can be hard to follow correctly on your own, and adjustments may need to be made along the way. We will help to guide you and motivate you throughout the process to achieve the best results.


Monthly membership is $150.

This includes a one month supply of medication with an initial 45-minute consult. At this appointment, we will go through each lab one by one with you to understand where you stand with your health. This visit is more than just medications. During this appointment, we will provide counseling on how to reach your treatment goal. We will discuss options of treatment plans with hormone therapy, thyroid optimization, weight loss therapy, peptide therapy, vitamins, and supplements. You will then have monthly check-in appointments for treatment adjustments.

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